
Old UFO photographs; 1950's (1950-1952). 

1950  -  San Bernardino, CA- California, US

1950  -  Majorque, Spain 
March 20, 1950  -  New York City, New York, USA

April 23, 1950  -  Redbud, Illinois, US

May 11, 1950  -  McMinnville, Oregon, USA

mid 1950 - Yokohama, Japan

August 31, 1951  -  Lubbock, Texas, USA

1952  -  Washington, D.C
1952  -  Over North Korea

May 7, 1952  -  Barra da Tijuca, Brazil
May 7, 1952  -  Barra da Tijuca, Brazil

July 16, 1952  -  Salem, Massachusetts, USA
Lights in the sky in triangle V-formation in 1952. ovni triangolare. old pic.

July 18, 1952  -  Lac Chauvet, France
July 18, 1952  -  Puerto Maldonado, Peru

July 29, 1952  -  Passaic, New Jersey, USA
July 31, 1952  -  Passoria, New Jersey, USA
Amazing old UFO sighting over north America. Photograph.
 1940's  //  1953-1956


  1. All human secret science, in case the world becomes inhabitable, they will be the vehicle's to bring us to a journey to other planets. It is not us who will be arriving, but our great, great great 1000X grandchildren, and the earth will be just on archives.........

  2. Oops -- I got that wrong. It was July 31. But they are both of the same group taken in Passaic, not Passoria. (Which doesn't exist -- search for Passoria and you'll find only references to this case. Evidently this error creeped in long ago.)

  3. That last photo, dated July 31 should read Passaic, not Passoria. Passoria doesnt exist. https://scontent-ord1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xtp1/v/t1.0-9/9296_10152776312542504_597130381886062651_n.jpg?oh=705eeb29e0d78a503a1a5ef900673e2b&oe=5624F62E
