
Old UFO photographs; 1950's (1953-1956). 

Old pics, photos, pictures ufo, ovni, ozn, nlo, nlp, cold war. UFO in new history.
1953  -  Paris, France
UFO over Eiffel tower in '54. UFO mbi kullë Eifel paris. ovni

1953  -  Moumra, Italy
ovni nel Italia. Phozograph of Multiple objects over Italy in year '53.

1954  -  Rouen, France
Strange weird UFO over France. old picture. Étrange étrange OVNI sur la France

1954  -  Australia
Silver Disc-shaped old photo footage from Australia. ovni. amazing

October 19, 1954  -  Monte Carlo - Italy
ovni UFO over Monte Carlo. nlp. ozn. nlo. strange. odd.

October 24, 1954  -  Boulogne-Sur-Mer, France
 Disc shaped silver UFO object France '54. disque d'argent OVNI.

November 2, 1954  -  Malaga, Spain
 ovni-ufo disco de plata en España en 1954. Disc-shaped UFO over Spain.

December 10, 1954  -  Sicily, Italy
ovni- argento UFO over Sicilia, Italia. Silver UFO over Italy '54.

Mid 1950's  -  Yokohama, Japan
 日本全国銀ディスク型UFOの. Silver disc shaped ufo over Japan in '50.

1955  -  New York, USA
ovni- old ufo photo - picture. Photograph of silver unknown object.

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June 5, 1955  -  Namur, Belgium
old disc shaped ufo picture from belgium. History of UFO sightings.

Summer 1956  -  Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
fotografia do objeto desconhecido no céu sobre Brasil no ano 1956.

July 17 1956  -  Rosetta-Natal, South Africa
Old photo of a flying saucer from '56.

August 27, 1956  -  McCleod, Alberta, Canada 
UFO in the sky over Canada. Old photographs. ovni avvistamento

1 comment:

  1. Pleae correct the note at the Italian old UFOs picture: is not "1953 - Moumra, Italy" but instead is 1953 - S. Pietro in Vaticano, Roma, Italy 1953...
    It is clearly the San Peter's square in Rome there.
    Unusual formation of UFOs over the Pope's window!
